4.2.1. Show

This command prints every User Data received in a human readable way. The information shown with this command is real-time data that is being received by Fast DDS Spy. In order to stop the command, press enter and the CLI will finish showing the data received.


This is a real-time command that will not stop until enter is pressed. Key-words

These are the key-words recognize as this command: show print s S. Data Type discovered

In order for a Topic to be printable by the application, the Fast DDS Spy requires to know the data type of such topic. The information whether the topic data type is already discovered be the application can be shown by using Topic command. Arguments

Show command support different combination of arguments: Topic name

When a topic name is given, the information shown is the data received in real-time in the topic specified. The output format is as follows: Simple Data format. Topic name + Verbose

Giving a topic name and the the verbose argument the output is the data received in real-time with additional meta-information as the topic name, the source timestamp, and the source DataWriter Guid. Data is printing using Verbose Data format. All

This argument prints all topics which Data Type has been discovered. Data is printing using Verbose Data format. Output Format


The format of the data printed is not YAML. The correct YAML format will come in future releases.

The data information is retrieved in 2 formats depending on the verbose option. Simple Data format

Only shows the data, by

<field name>: <value>
--- Verbose Data format

topic: <topic name> [<topic data type name>]
data: <Guid>
timestamp: <YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss>
<field name>: <value>
--- Example

Let’s assume we have a DDS network where 2 ShapesDemo applications are running.

This would be the expected output for the command show Circle:

color: GREEN
x: 168
y: 125
shapesize: 30

color: GREEN
x: 173
y: 121
shapesize: 30


This would be the expected output for the command show Circle verbose:

topic: Circle [ShapeType]
data: 01.0f.44.59.da.57.de.ec.|
timestamp: 2023/03/27 09:35:23
color: GREEN
x: 72
y: 125
shapesize: 30

topic: Circle [ShapeType]
data: 01.0f.44.59.da.57.de.ec.|
timestamp: 2023/03/27 09:35:24
color: GREEN
x: 66
y: 120
shapesize: 30


This would be the expected output for the command datas 01.0f.22.ba.3b.47.ab.3c.|0.0.1.c1:

topic: Square [ShapeType]
data: 01.0f.44.59.da.57.de.ec.|
timestamp: 2023/03/27 09:35:25
color: BLUE
x: 158
y: 70
shapesize: 20

topic: Triangle [ShapeType]
data: 01.0f.|
timestamp: 2023/03/27 09:35:26
color: YELLOE
x: 93
y: 75
shapesize: 25
